Service Tools FAQs
Introducing our new Service Tools FAQs! Designed to help you find the answers you need to solve your homeowners problems fast and effectively. This resource provides you with useful tips and navigation for our top Service Tools. So you can provide your homeowners with Service in tune with perfection.
Equipment Scanner
What is the Equipment Scanner?
The Equipment Scanner is a tool on the LennoxPROs mobile app that allows a Dealer to scan the barcode of Lennox Residential HVAC equipment that has been installed and registered to retrieve product information.
Where do I find the Equipment Scanner?
The Equipment Scanner is on the LennoxPROs mobile app and is located in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen, below the shopping cart icon and is the icon that looks like a shortened barcode.
What does the Equipment Scanner do?
When a piece of Lennox Residential equipment is scanned, a menu is displayed where you can View Equipment Information, Find OEM Repair Parts or view Equipment Warranty information.
What information can I find under the View Equipment Information option?
You will be taken to the product detail page where you can view the following: product description; catalog number; model/part number; product images; product overview; product accessories; product specifications; and product documents.
What information can I find under the See Warranty Coverage option?
You will be taken to Warranty Lookup where you can view the following: serial number; model number; installation date (if it was entered when the product was registered) and the product warranty information. From Warranty Lookup you can also view related technical documents, find OEM repair parts and go to the Store Locator.
What information can I find under the Find Repair Parts option?
You will be taken to OEM Repair Parts where you can view the following: technical info, categories for the product and access to the Store Locator.
Service Dashboard
How do I access the Service Dashboard?
The New Service Dashboard can be accessed via the main menu on or the LennoxPROs mobile app. You can also access the Service Dashboard on your desktop computer through the link in the easy access menu at the top of You can download the LennoxPros mobile from the App Store or Google Play.
How do I navigate through my dashboard?
The new Service Dashboard has a menu in the top banner with 4 links: Dashboard; Customer Management; Settings; and Support.
What information shows in the Dashboard link?
The Dashboard page shows the following information: Alerts (grouped by type); iComfort Overview; Dealer Dashboard Activity; Thermostat Connection Status; and Maintenance Reminders.
What information will show in the Alerts panel?
The Alerts panel displays alerts you have received from your customers’ HVAC systems and is grouped under 5 tabs – NEW, CRITICAL, MODERATE, UNASSIGNED and ALL.
The NEW tab displays the most recent Alerts you’ve received from your customers systems.
The CRITICAL tab will show first when the dashboard is loaded and displays alerts that could cause operation issues of your customers’ HVAC systems.
The MODERATE tab displays alerts that usually do not cause operational issues, however still need to be addressed.
The UNASSIGN tab displays alerts that have not been assigned to one of your Service Technicians.
The ALL tab displays all alerts you have received.
What is the difference between Critical, Minor and Moderate Priority codes?
Minor and Moderate priority codes typically do not cause any operational issues, where Critical priority codes do, or could potentially, cause operational issues. In addition, Minor and Moderate codes can escalate to Critical if they continue to occur within a short period of time.
What information will I see about an Alert?
The Alerts panel displays the following information: homeowner name; thermostat type with access level; error code with description; assigned/unassigned; the option to Clear the Alert.
What information will I see about an Alert if I click on the drop-down arrow?
When you expand an Alert, you will see the following: homeowner contact information; equipment impacted; serial/model number; and warranty status.
How do I get more detailed information about an Alert?
By clicking on a customer name, you will be taken to the customer detail page under Customer Management. On this page you will find the following: all the Lennox systems installed at the home; System History (12 months); Alerts & Reminders; Equipment & Reports, links to troubleshoot and Remote In.
Why are there three (3) bullet points in the upper right corner of the Impacted Device box?
The three (3) bullet points is an icon that represents “more options”. By clicking on this icon, you will find links to Technical Documents, Warranty Lookup and Error Code Lookup, all related to the impacted device.
How do I get notifications on New Alerts or Reminders?
A Dealer has to opt in to receive email notifications for new alerts or reminders. To opt in, go to Settings within the Service Dashboard. Towards the bottom of the Settings page you can opt in for both Alerts and Reminder email notifications.
How often does a new alert appear/ what is the frequency?
New Alerts appear on the Service Dashboard in real time.
Can I do a search on the Alerts section?
Yes. You can search using the following criteria: first name; last name; zip code; city; alert number; serial number; model number.
What do the colors on the Alerts mean?
Red is a Critical Alert, Yellow is a Moderate Alert.
What is an unassigned Alert?
Unassigned Alerts have not been assigned to a Service Technician.
How do I Assign an Alert?
Click on the Assign button next to the alert. On the pop-up window, select the technician(s) by checking the box in the upper-right corner. Add additional notes, if desired, then hit the Assign button. An email will be sent to the assigned technician(s).
How do I Reassign an Alert?
You can reassign an alert to another technician for any reason. Simply click on the Reassign button next to the alert and follow the same steps as assigning an alert.
What does the REMOTE IN button do?
If the homeowner has granted you remote access to their system, you will have a mirrored view of the homeowner’s thermostat and the ability remotely to look at their system(s), run diagnostics, run tests, view the installation report and fix some system issues.
Why are some REMOTE IN buttons red and some are gray?
Remote In buttons are only active if the homeowner has granted remote access to their HVAC systems. A gray, inactive Remote In button means the homeowner has not granted access.
What happens if I click on the Troubleshoot button do?
The Troubleshoot button will take you to the Lennox Troubleshooting Center where you get details on the error code, can assign the Alert to a Service Technician, see the equipment impacted by the Alert and view Documents related to the equipment.
What is the Maintenance Reminders section?
The Maintenance Reminders section lists homeowners who have reminders you put in the homeowners iComfort Thermostat like intervals to change air filters, bi-annual service, or UV light change out.
What does the iComfort Overview chart show/tell me?
This iComfort Overview chart allows you to see your all-time iComfort (S30, E30, M30 and Wi-Fi) purchases. The linked to dealer amount shows how many iComfort thermostats have your dealer number listed in the dealer information page of the thermostat.
What does the Service Dashboard Activity chart show/tell me?
The Service Dashboard Activity chart allows you to know how often the dashboard users in your dealership click into and view the troubleshooting agent and customer details page in one day. The chart provides you the daily aggregate of unique views.
How is the monitoring metric in the Service Dashboard Activity determined?
The Service Dashboard Activity chart allows you to know how often the dashboard users in your dealership click into and view the troubleshooting agent and customer details page in one day. The chart provides you the daily aggregate of unique views.
The following activities count as a Monitoring activity:
a. Viewing the Troubleshooting agent page
b. Viewing a customer details page
What does the Thermostat Connection Status show/tell me?
The Thermostat Connection Status tells you the percentage of iComfort thermostats that are setup as Remote In, Monitoring, Offline or No Sharing, all segmented by thermostat type. This can be a useful tool to explain to all Service Technicians the percentage of homeowners whom are not granting Remote In & Monitoring access and missing out on you being able to provide superior service via proactive service calls and potential remote fixes.
What is the difference between Monitor+Remote In, Monitor, Offline and No Sharing in the Thermostat Connection Status box?
The differences are the permissions the homeowner has granted.
Monitor + Remote In - the homeowner has granted you permission to monitor their HVAC system(s) and Remote In to look at their system(s), run diagnostics, run tests, view the installation report and fix some system issues.
Monitor - the homeowner has granted you permission to monitor their HVAC system(s) and receive Alerts and Maintenance Reminders.
No Sharing- the homeowner has not granted you access to their HVAC system(s) and you will not receive Alerts or Maintenance Reminders.
Offline- The homeowners iComfort Thermostat is not connected to the Internet or internet connection has been disrupted.
What information is under the Settings link?
The Settings link allows you to update your contact information and opt in to receive Alert and Reminder notification emails.
What information is under the Customer Management section?
The Customer Management section is where you will find any Maintenance reminders for your customers (upcoming or past due) or Alerts on the left section of the page. The right section of the page is a map noting where your customers are located along with a color code pin.
What do the color-coded pins on the map mean under the Customer Management section?
The color-coded pins note the following: Red - Critical Alert; Yellow - Moderate Alert, Green - No Alerts, normal operation; Black - no sharing of information for the system.
What can I do with the filter options in the Customer Management section?
The Show Filter Option in the Customer Management section allows you to select from the drop down menu to filter how you want to look at your customers. Options are Thermostat type, Alert Type, Access Level or Maintenance Reminders. There is also the Search function where you can select to search by first name, last name, zip code, city, Alert number, Serial number or model number.
What information will I get if I click on a homeowner’s name?
By clicking on a customer name, you will be taken to the customer detail page under Customer Management. On this page you will find the following: all the Lennox systems installed at the home; System History (12 months); Alerts & Reminders; Equipment & Reports, links to troubleshoot and Remote In.
What information will I find on the Lennox Troubleshooting Center?
The Lennox Troubleshooting Center provides the following: Error Code Lookup integration; Problem Diagnosis panel where you can view performance reports, installation reports, and impacted equipment; technical documents; links to warranty lookup and OEM repair parts.
What information is under the Support link?
When you click on the Support link you are taken to the Service Tools Help Center where you will find a list of FAQs and tips for the most popular LennoxPros service tools.
Error Code Lookup
Where do I find the Error Code Lookup tool?
You can access the Error Code Lookup tool on or the mobile app via the main menu under Technical Tools. On your mobile device, you can also access the Error Code Lookup tool through the icon on the homepage.
What does the Error Code Lookup tool do?
Dealers can search for descriptions, troubleshooting tips and directions on clearing error codes for Lennox Residential communicating equipment.
What information will I get once I enter an error code?
The information that comes back once a valid error code is entered is: a description of the code; applicable component; priority; how to troubleshoot and clearing information.
What is the difference between Critical, Moderate and Minor Priority codes?
Minor and Moderate priority codes typically do not cause any operational issues, where Critical priority codes do, or could potentially, cause operational issues. In addition, Minor and Moderate codes can escalate to Critical if they continue to occur within a short period of time.
What do I do if I want to find out more information on the piece of equipment, see the warranty coverage or look for OEM Repair parts for the equipment?
You can use the Equipment Scanner on the LennoxPros mobile app that is and is located in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen, below the shopping cart icon and is the icon that looks like a shortened barcode. When a piece of Lennox Residential equipment is scanned, a menu is displayed where you can View Equipment Information, Find OEM Repair Parts or view Equipment Warranty information.
Warranty Tools
Where do I find the Warranty Tools?
You can access Warranty tools in the main menu on, from a desktop computer only.
What can I do with the Warranty Tools?
Once logged into, you will be able to see Saved (but not submitted) warranty claims, and Recent Claim Status for all claims with a status change in the last 10 days. Under the webwarranty section you can do the following: Create a Claim; Quick Coverage Lookup; get a Status Report on claims via a search by claim number, reference number or a date range; search Extended Limited Warranty Lookup; access the Warranty Document Library; view Comfort Shield Labor Warranties you have sold; get help tips for entering a claim; and see if a part that is under warranty needs to be returned.
Are the Warranty Tools available on the LennoxPros mobile app?
No, the Warranty Tools are only available via computer on
Warranty Lookup
Where do I find the Warranty Lookup tool?
On go to Warranty in the main menu. Then go to Quick Coverage Lookup located on the right under webwarranty list. From your mobile device you access Warranty Lookup in the main menu or through the Warranty Lookup icon on the homepage.
What does the Warranty Lookup tool do?
Dealers can search by the equipment serial number to see the warranty information on a piece of Lennox Residential equipment (only if registered).
What information will I get once I enter the equipment serial number or scan the equipment bar code?
The following information will be displayed on your screen: serial number; model number; installation date (if it was entered when the product was registered); and warranty information. You can also view related technical documents, find OEM repair parts and visit the Store Locator.
Do the Service Tools require access to the internet correct?
Yes. The use of the Service Tools on LennoxPros requires a stable mobile wireless or Wi-Fi connection.
Will users have access to training for the new Service Tools?
Yes. To support users of the Service Tools, there are several resources available. Go to the LennoxPros help section to find more information about the Service Tools.
To request a one-on-one call with a LennoxPros representative, visit Submit the request for and someone from our team will contact you and schedule the training of your choice.
Are the LennoxPros Service Tools available only to CAP programs users?
The LennoxPros Service Tools are available to any of our dealers and are not limited to only CAP program users.